About the Single Information Day in the Grodno region

On April 19, 2019, the Unified Information Day on the topic: "The foreign policy of the Republic of Belarus. Realization of national interests and strengthening of the positive image of the Belarusian state in the international arena." At the initiative of the Grodno Regional Department of the Republican Center for Health Improvement and Sanatorium-Resort Treatment of the population, the second theme in the Day program was the "Health System in the Republic of Belarus", especially since the head of the department is a member of one of the regional outreach groups. The department prepared information material on this topic, and through the head department of ideological work and youth affairs of the Grodno regional executive committee, it was distributed throughout the ideological vertical of the Grodno region. 
All specialists took an active part in the work of advocacy groups. Labor groups were familiarized with the structure of the Republican Center for Health Improvement and Sanatorium-Resort Treatment of the population, the functions and tasks assigned to it and its Grodno Regional Department. Almost everywhere, the performance of our specialists turned into a lively interesting discussion with the audience. I felt a genuine interest on the part of enterprise employees to the topic of recovery. Particularly interested in the issues of obtaining trips to the sanatorium for both adults and children. All questions were given comprehensive answers. The practice of including issues of improving the population on the agenda of the United Days of Information was decided to continue.