On the organization of health improvement for children of the Mogilev region during the autumn holidays

On the territory of the Mogilev region, during the autumn holidays from October 31 to November 8, 2020, it is planned to organize the work of 260 health camps with a day stay at the bases of general secondary education institutions, additional education for children and youth, specialized educational and sports institutions.
It is planned to improve 7220 children and adolescents in the camps.
For this purpose, more than 182.00 thousand rubles from the republican budget have been allocated to reduce the cost of a voucher to the camps, at the rate of 4.20 rubles per bed-day.
The average cost of a ticket to health camps, depending on the age of the child, was: for children 6-10 years old - 30.48 rubles, 11-13 years old - 34.08 rubles, 14-17 years old - 38.72 rubles.
When enrolling children in the camp, special attention and priority is given to the rehabilitation of minor children from large, low-income, foster, guardians, single-parent families who are in a socially dangerous situation and are on various types of registration.
The work of health camps will be organized taking into account the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic measures, fire safety and other requirements for organizing children's health improvement.
When carrying out cultural and sports events, the maximum stay of children in the open air will be ensured.
The time spent in the camp will be organized for the child in an interesting and informative way, filled with content and meaning.