On the organization of the rehabilitation of children in the Mogilev region during the spring break

During the spring holidays from March 25 to March 30, 2019, 252 recreation camps with day stay are working on the territory of the Mogilyov region, in which 8,576 children are going through rehabilitation. The work of 235 recreation camps at the bases of institutions of general secondary education, additional education of children and youth, and 17 at the bases of specialized educational and sports institutions was organized.
For these purposes, the representative office of the Mogilev Regional Department of the Republican Center for Health Improvement and Sanatorium-Resort Treatment of the population allocated over 216.0 thousand rubles.
When recruiting groups in camps, special attention was paid to the categories of large, low-income and single-parent families, families in a socially dangerous situation, children from adoptive and guardianship families, as well as children registered with the juvenile affairs inspectorate.
During the shift, various competitive gaming and intellectual programs, walks and outdoor games, excursions to libraries, preventive conversations, thematic talk shows, visits to cinemas, thematic conversations, and various physical and recreational activities take place in the camps.
The average cost of the voucher on average in the region amounted to 33.38 rubles for children of 6-10 years old, 36.14 rubles for 11-13 years, and 38.18 rubles for 14-17 years. To reduce the cost of vouchers, every child received state aid in the amount of 25.2 rubles.
Thanks to experienced teachers in a short vacation time, the children will learn to organize their free time, filling it with content and meaning. The week of holidays will be intense and interesting.