About the work of the sanatorium organizations of the Mogilev region for 2019

In 2019, 45121 permits were sold by sanatorium-resort and health organizations of the Mogilev Region, which is 2041 more than in 2018, or 104.7 percent, including 8423 foreigners more than 320 or 103.9 percent, respectively.
Revenues from the sale of services amounted to 26,977.7 thousand rubles, including from the sale of services to foreign citizens 5,743.5 thousand rubles, or 112.5 percent to the level of 2018.
Выручка ад рэалізацыі паслуг склала 26977,7 тыс. Рублёў, у тым ліку ад рэалізацыі паслуг замежным грамадзянам 5743,5 тыс. Рублёў або 112,5 працэнта да ўзроўню 2018 года.
In the total volume of vouchers sold by sanatorium-resort organizations, 25 percent was realized for citizens of near and far abroad. Of these, 95 percent are citizens of the Russian Federation. Among foreign citizens, interest in health resorts was shown by citizens of the Baltic republics, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Israel, Germany, Italy, the USA, Canada and other states.
In addition to the growth in revenue from the sale of vouchers, an increase in revenue from the provision of additional paid services, including medical ones, is also noted. In 2019, this volume amounted to 2137.1 thousand rubles, or 109.4 percent to the level of 2018, including from the provision of medical services 1629.6 thousand rubles, or 113.4 percent, respectively.
The utilization of sanatoria in 2019 was 88.1 percent, compared to 81.0 in 2018.
To ensure stable and break-even work, increase demand for sanatorium-resort and health-improving services, all sanatoriums of the region took certain measures.
In 2019, sanatorium-resort organizations allocated 2214.6 thousand rubles to strengthen the material and technical base, of which 1955.8 thousand rubles - own funds. Of this amount, 55 percent or 1219.4 thousand rubles of funds to strengthen its base were allocated by the sanatorium named after V.I. Lenin.
The sanatorium completed the full-scale reconstruction of residential building No. 2, purchased furniture and household appliances in the amount of 37 thousand rubles, modern medical equipment for 156 thousand rubles, soft and hard equipment for 664 thousand rubles, 66 thousand rubles aimed at improving the territory. More than 26 thousand rubles were spent on the development of natural healing resources, the extraction of mineral water and healing mud.
The latest treatment and rehabilitation techniques have been developed and implemented (3D massage, four-arm massage “Lomi-Lomi”, electrostatic massage, local cryotherapy, extracorporeal magnetic stimulation of the pelvic organs, etc.).