Improving the health of children in the Minsk region during the additional winter holidays

In order to organize effective leisure, employment and health improvement of students of educational institutions of the Minsk region and ensure the implementation of the planned volumes of health improvement of children during the winter holidays, in accordance with the order of the Republican Center for Health Improvement and Sanatorium-Resort Treatment of the Population dated 02.02.2022 No. 4-o “On Organization of the rehabilitation of children in the camps during the additional winter holidays ", an order was issued by the representative office of the Minsk Regional Department of the Republican Center for Health Improvement and Sanatorium-Resort Treatment of the Population dated 02.02.2022 No. 4-o" On the organization of the rehabilitation of children in the camps during the additional winter holidays".
The average ticket price was 29 rubles 57 kopecks, of which the parental supplement was 5 rubles 81 kopecks.
According to operational data, in the Minsk region during the additional winter holidays from February 14 to February 19, 2022, health camps with daytime stay for children were organized on the basis of general secondary education institutions, in which 1,263 students received health improvement in 85 camps.
In all health camps, the necessary conditions were created to prevent the introduction and spread of COVID-19. All camps were equipped with personal protective equipment: antiseptics, masks, gloves. Dispensers with antiseptic hand sanitizer have been installed at the entrances to buildings. Daily “morning filters” were carried out with mandatory thermometry in order to identify and prevent pupils with signs of respiratory diseases from entering the detachment. Conducting mass cultural and sports and recreational events was organized mainly in the open air.
In children's health camps, 11 orphans, 9 disabled children, 46 children from low-income and 280 children from large families have been rehabilitated. Much attention was paid to the employment and organization of leisure activities during the holidays for adolescents prone to deviant behavior, children in a socially dangerous situation (40 students), registered with the juvenile inspectorate (3 people).
Meals were organized on the basis of exemplary diets, developed taking into account the age categories, the physiological needs of the child's body on the basis of the principle of sparing nutrition, with the exception of the most difficult to digest and spicy dishes. The menu includes fruits, juices in a varied assortment, bifidin. In each health camp, a marriage commission worked by order of the educational institution. Laboratory control over the quality and safety of cooked food was carried out in accordance with the requirements of sanitary norms and rules. The requirements of fire-fighting and sanitary-epidemiological safety, safety precautions in the organization of educational and sports and recreational work were observed.
Control over the work of health camps during the period of additional winter holidays is ensured through monitoring. For this purpose, 35 visits of working groups to study the activities of health camps in the region took place in 23 districts (Zhodino) of the Minsk region. According to the monitoring results, no violations and comments on the organization and functioning of the camps were identified. The rehabilitation of children was carried out as usual, taking into account the epidemiological situation and recommendations on compliance with measures to prevent the introduction and spread of COVID-19 infection. The organization of schoolchildren's leisure was carried out in accordance with the approved work plans.