Organization of the rehabilitation of children in the Minsk region during the autumn holidays of 2022


In the Minsk region during the autumn holidays, 10,079 students received health improvement camps with daytime and round-the-clock stay of children on the basis of institutions of general secondary, additional education for children and youth.

The average cost of a ticket to a camp with day stay for children was 34.6 rubles, the parental supplement was 7.08 rubles, to the camp with round-the-clock stay - 123.76 rubles, the parental supplement - 58.42 rubles.

For these purposes, the Minsk Regional Department of the Republican Center for Health Improvement and Sanatorium Treatment of the Population allocated 287.6 thousand rubles.

In all health camps, the necessary conditions were created to prevent the introduction and spread of COVID-19. All camps were equipped with personal protective equipment: antiseptics, masks, gloves. Dispensers with antiseptic hand sanitizer have been installed at the entrances to buildings. Daily “morning filters” were carried out with mandatory thermometry in order to identify and prevent pupils with signs of respiratory diseases, as well as employees, from entering the detachment. Conducting mass cultural and sports and recreational events was organized in the open air.

Children-orphans (176 people), disabled children (153 people), children from low-income (163 people), large families (2431 people) were primarily attracted to children's health camps. Much attention was paid to the employment and organization of leisure activities during the holidays for adolescents prone to deviant behavior, children in a socially dangerous situation (493 students), as well as students with whom individual preventive work is carried out (114 people). During the holidays, such children had the opportunity to attend sports clubs, interest groups, participated in trainings, consultations of psychologists and social pedagogues.

When planning educational work, teachers adhered to the requirements of program-planning documentation, which made it possible to ensure consistency in working with students during the autumn health campaign.

In all health camps, interdepartmental thematic events were held on safe behavior on roads, water bodies, in the forest, on the prevention of traffic accidents involving children and adolescents. Meetings were organized with traffic police inspectors, JDN. Safety minutes were held daily. Outdoor games, walks, and excursions were held in good weather. Daily physical education minutes, health minutes, games.

Excursions were organized for the children of the Minsk region to local history museums of the districts, a trampoline center in Minsk, the Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War, and the Belarusian State Theater of Young Spectators.

Meals were organized on the basis of exemplary diets, developed taking into account the age categories, the physiological needs of the child's body on the basis of the principle of sparing nutrition, with the exception of the most difficult to digest and spicy dishes. The menu includes fruits, juices in a varied assortment.

In general, mass sports holidays, game programs, civil-patriotic, environmental actions and other events have become a favorable area for self-realization of students, their recreation and health improvement.