On the outcome of the rehabilitation of children for 2 shifts summer health campaign in 2019

During the summer health campaign of 2019, various activities are being implemented in the educational and health institutions of the Minsk region in the framework of the republican campaigns “Small Motherland: Relay of Useful Affairs”, “Belarus remembers”.
The activities of the ecological, local lore, civic-patriotic, cultural-leisure, aesthetic, physical education and sports profiles are aimed at improving the health of children, developing their creative abilities and cover all areas of the educational process.
According to operational data for 2 shifts, 980 camps functioned in the region, where 46,821 students received rehabilitation, which accounted for 78.89% of the plan. 15,238 students rested in 287 24-hour camps. In 693 day camps - 31,583 children. In total, 734 camps functioned by profiles, activity areas - 21,171 students.
The activities of the labor and recreation camps were based on the normative documents on labor protection and ensuring the safety of the educational process, the provision on the recreation camp, the camp work plan taking into account the age of children, their health status, level of physical development and individual psychological characteristics. Labor activity of children was carried out on the terms of labor and civil law contracts concluded in the manner prescribed by law.
In two shifts, in the 104 labor and recreation camps, 1,581 students improved their health. The main types of work - improvement of school grounds, repairing school furniture, decorating walls of educational institutions' corridors, sewing bed linen, weeding cereals, caring for forest plantations, landscape design of flower beds, etc. On average, wages in labor and recreation camps will be 120, 0 rubles per shift per child.
n the Minsk Region, 1,275 orphans and children left without parental care improved. Particular attention is paid to the rehabilitation of disabled children and children with peculiar psychophysical development.
In two shifts, 574 disabled children and 2 disabled children were improved along with one of the parents.
Emotional and comfortable conditions were created for children. Thanks to excursions, targeted walks, work in the garden and in the greenhouse, caring for indoor plants, children received new emotions, impressions, consolidated previously acquired knowledge and skills.
Joint events held in the camps allow children and adolescents with developmental disabilities to more successfully consolidate household skills and self-catering skills, and contribute to the acquisition of experience in various situations, including non-standard situations. For children with normal development, the camp provides an opportunity to meet with special children, learn to accept them, build relationships to understand the meaning of their behavior.
Children in a socially dangerous situation, including children who are on different types of registration, were not ignored either. 717 students recovered. Basically, the guys in this category received a recovery in the defense and sports camps. The main idea of ​​these camps was to create companies and their participation in various thematic games, sports events and theoretical and practical classes on pre-conscription medical training. Every day of their stay was filled with sports or creative activities. Time is allotted for occupational therapy (for example, collecting cones).
In order to reduce the cost of food delivery of products is carried out directly from the manufacturer using the trade markup of up to 10%. Formation of prices for finished products sold in recreational facilities, is carried out without applying an extra charge.
In the children's recreation camps there are 5 meals in the stationary recreation camps and 3 meals a day in the recreation camps with full-time stay. Meals are organized on the basis of exemplary rations developed and approved by the Republican Center for Health Promotion and Sanatorium-Resort Treatment of the population.
Approximate rations are adapted by food technologists of the education, sports and tourism departments of the regional executive committees, taking into account the specific features of children's nutrition and the organization of a benign regime. For a complete recovery and stimulation of the immune system in the diets of children daily meals from fresh vegetables, a variety of fruits are included. In the form of drinks, children are offered decoction of wild rose, juices (mainly pectin containing), dairy products containing bifidobacteria (bifidine). With respect to confectionery products, preference is given to products enriched with macro and micronutrients: marshmallow, marmalade, pastila, pastries containing fruit fillings, raisins, dried apricots.