About an inclusive beach in the Brest region

In August 2020, the first inclusive beach in the Brest region was opened in the recreation area of ​​the communal unitary enterprise Svitanak Children's Rehabilitation and Health Center of the Pinsk District on the Pogost reservoir, which allowed people with disabilities to organize a comfortable rest by the water.


About 50 thousand rubles were spent on the arrangement of the beach. We installed gazebos, changing rooms, benches, chaise lounges, waste bins, provided for the descent into the water and paths with small tiles. Small architectural forms decorate the territory. A special stroller was purchased, the unique design of which makes it easy to move a person with disabilities along the sand and easily roll him into the water. Swimming in the company of an accompanying person will always be on the surface of the water: special floats not only keep the structure on the water, but also prevent it from overturning.


The initiator of the creation of an inclusive beach was the public association "With Kindness to the World". The Pinsk regional executive committee supported the volunteers' initiative, organized and supervised its implementation. A number of organizations also took part in the construction: the concern "Brestmyasomolprom", the capital construction department of the city of Pinsk, the agricultural enterprises of the Pinsk region "Parokhonskoe", "Pochapovo", "Lopatino", "Lasitsk". The state educational institution "Molotkovichi auxiliary boarding school" made its contribution to the arrangement of this beach. Pupils, under the strict guidance of teachers, made benches for gazebos. However, a significant part of the trouble fell on the staff of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "DROTS" Svitanak. This is the coordination of the builders, direct participation in the arrangement. Also, in the future, the task of the Center employees will be to maintain order at the new facility. 
In addition, I would like to note that currently there are 59 rooms for wheelchair users in the sanatorium and health resort and health organizations of the Brest region.
In our state, everything possible is being done to create a barrier-free environment for the life of people with disabilities. And this support for this category of people is invaluable.