On the results of work on health improvement and sanatorium-resort treatment of the population in 2020 and the main tasks for 2021

The Republican Center for Health Improvement and Sanatorium-Resort Treatment of the Population (hereinafter referred to as the Republican Center) held a republican meeting on February 8, 2021 in Minsk "Results of work on health improvement and sanatorium-resort treatment of the population for 2020 and objectives for 2021".
The meeting was attended by the heads of regional (Minsk city) departments of the Republican Center, owners of sanatorium and health resort and health organizations.
The results of the work on health improvement and sanatorium-resort treatment of the population for 2020 and the tasks for 2021 were reported by the director of the Republican Center, Henadzi Balbatouski.
In his speech, the director of the Republican Center announced that in 2020 the system of sanatorium-resort treatment and health improvement of the population solved the priority tasks of preserving and strengthening the material and technical base and personnel potential, while maintaining the potential and manageability, which will ensure its further systematic development after the stabilization of the epidemic situations.
Taking into account the ongoing unstable epidemic situation, the Republican Center, in cooperation with the owners, will adjust the indicators of the plan for the development of the system of sanatorium treatment and health improvement of the population for 2019-2022.