Preparations for the 2023 summer health campaign in the Brest region


Summer holidays for schoolchildren are a long-awaited, hassle-free and eventful time. This is the time when many childhood dreams and plans come true and bring unforgettable impressions. One of the great options for organizing leisure activities for children is a health camp. Having sent the child to the camp for recovery, parents can be sure that he is provided with a full-fledged hot meal, useful, interesting activities and outdoor activities.

In the Brest region, it is planned to improve the health of 63.5 thousand children in health camps in the summer, including 42.0 thousand people with day stay and 21.5 thousand people with round-the-clock stay.

There will be 22 stationary health camps in the region with a capacity of 3.5 thousand beds per shift. Currently, the territorial institutions of the State Sanitary Supervision are assessing the quality of camp preparation and the implementation of sent letters / instructions to eliminate existing violations, as well as an adjusted long-term plan to strengthen the material and technical base of health camps in the Brest region for 2022-2024, approved by the chairman of the Brest Regional Executive Committee from December 21, 2022.

According to preliminary data, it is planned to allocate 5.3 million rubles for the preparation of country health camps in 2023, of which the largest share is local budget funds - 86.5% (4.6 million rubles), the funds of the owners are 11, 3% (597.0 thousand rubles), funds of the republican budget - 1.5% (80.4 thousand rubles), sponsorship - 0.7% (38.0 thousand rubles).

It should be noted that this year, 1,233.0 thousand rubles were allocated from the local budget for the preparation of the regional health camp "Yuventa" of the main department for education of the regional executive committee, which is planned to be spent on landscaping, current repairs of buildings and structures, the installation of bathrooms and hot water supply, purchase of household equipment, soft and hard inventory.

In the health camp "Dubok" of the Education Department of the Pruzhany District Executive Committee, it is planned to modernize two dormitory buildings this year, 950.0 thousand rubles have been allocated from the local budget for this purpose.

541.1 thousand rubles were allocated to strengthen the material and technical base of the Salyut health camp of the Education Department of the Brest City Executive Committee, of which 400.0 thousand rubles were allocated for the construction of residential houses.

320.0 thousand rubles were allocated from the local budget for the repair of production workshops and storage facilities of the catering unit, the purchase of refrigeration and technological equipment, partial repairs of the roof of the catering unit in the health camp "Volna-Luban" of the Education Department of the Kobrin District Executive Committee.

243.6 thousand rubles were allocated for the preparation of the Dubravushka recreation camp of the education department of the Ivatsevichy district executive committee, which is planned to be spent on repairing the bathhouse and laundry building, the dining room roof, sleeping quarters and replacing air conditioners, water heaters, current repairs of engineering networks, electrical networks, lighting , video surveillance, purchase of equipment, furniture, soft and hard inventory.

Significant funds are invested from year to year to develop and strengthen the material and technical base in such organizations as RUE "Brestenergo", Baranovichi Electric Networks for the preparation of the "Electron" health camp (in 2023 - 305.6 thousand rubles), RUE "Baranovichskoe branch of the Belarusian Railways" for the preparation of the health camp "Issa" (in 2023 - 150.0 thousand rubles).

It should also be noted that in 2024 it is planned to open a new stationary health camp in the region on the basis of the former Belinsky school in the Drogichinsky district. This year, 917 thousand rubles have been allocated from the local budget for the reconstruction of the building of this school into a health camp.

Currently, active work is being carried out in the region to organize a summer health campaign in 2023. So, on April 20, 2023, the decision of the Brest Regional Executive Committee No. 257 “On organizing the rehabilitation of children in the summer period of 2023” was adopted, in which all interested services were instructed to organize a summer health campaign of the current year, the same decisions are made at the level of city and district executive committees.

City district executive committees will create interdepartmental commissions for the acceptance of health camps and for ongoing monitoring to ensure the safety of life and health of children, their safe stay in health camps, including proper and high-quality nutrition, as well as staffing health camps with qualified educators, cooks and medical workers . Regional services will also monitor the activities of health camps.