Autumn health improvement for children in the Minsk region


In order to organize effective leisure and health improvement for students, from October 29 to November 7, 2023, 326 health camps with day and round-the-clock stays were organized in the Minsk region during the autumn holidays for 10,389 children.

The main focus of the health camps was civic and patriotic education. The event plans took into account the plan for the implementation of events dedicated to the Year of Peace and Creation. The work on developing a respectful attitude towards state symbols among students also remained relevant.

In the health camp “Planet of Childhood” of the State Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1 of Volozhin” on Patriots Day, pupils took part in the drawing competition “I love our land, old girl” and the travel game “Live in Belarus and Tym Ghana”, tried themselves in the roles of soldiers in the patriotic game “Young Fighter”.

In the daytime health camp “Autumn Journey”, organized on the basis of the State Educational Institution “Krasnodvorskaya Secondary School of the Soligorsk District”, events dedicated to Remembrance Day were held. Students studied the traditions and customs of the peoples of Belarus, became acquainted with the history of Belarusian folk holidays, and visited the monument “In memory of 87 fellow countrymen, soldiers and partisans who died during the Second World War.”

During the holidays, thematic events were held in museums and museum rooms of educational institutions.

At the health camp “Fantaser” of the State Educational Institution “Gymnasium No. 6 of Molodechno named after S.T. Demeshko” an event was held in the museum room. During the historical excursion “Pages of our country’s past,” the students got acquainted with the events of the war years, examined medals and orders, and the uniforms of various units. Such an event contributed to introducing children to the study of history, instilling patriotism, respect for the country’s past and pride in the courage and heroism of generations.

The plans for the educational work of health camps included a wide range of physical education, recreation and sports events. Morning exercises, walks and games in the fresh air were carried out every day, students visited fitness centers and swimming pools.

Formation of a healthy lifestyle is one of the priority areas of educational work with students. Among the activities in this area in health camps are maintaining a daily routine, proper nutrition, the “Clean Hands”, “Toughen Up!” campaigns, the prevention of bad habits through film lectures, conversations, trainings, etc.

As part of spiritual and moral education, volunteer events, conversations, thematic meetings, and round tables were held in health camps in the Minsk region.

In the health camp “Autumn Kaleidoscope” on the basis of the State Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 3 of Logoisk”, an excursion to St. Nicholas Church, a cultural monument of the 19th century, was organized for pupils.

Aesthetic education also occupies one of the main places in the formation and development of the spiritual, moral and emotional value sphere of the individual.

During the holidays, the “Solnyshko” health camp at the State Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1 of Maryina Gorka” hosted the “Golden Autumn” literary lounge, the “Journey to the Land of Creativity” game program, and the Yard Games Festival.

When organizing work in health camps, special attention was paid to the life safety of minors and the rules of safe behavior.

A themed day “Learning safety rules is always useful!” was held at the Rodnichok camp of the State Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 4 of Dzerzhinsk!” as part of the “Safe Holidays” campaign. By participating in the game program “Traffic lights have no holidays,” the children were able to repeat the rules of safe behavior in the camp, on the road, and in public places.

Targeted career guidance work was carried out among pupils of health camps.

At the Svitanak health camp on the basis of the Vishnevskaya Secondary School, during an excursion to a trading establishment, the children got acquainted with the work of a salesperson, a cashier, learned about the rules of making a purchase, and the variety of food products in the store.

In the health camp “Merry Planet” of the State Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1 named after. V.N. Martsinkevich in Krupka” held a career guidance day: children got acquainted with various professions and the importance of work in a person’s life, took part in an exciting travel game “Me and the World of Professions”. The creative self-realization of the students was demonstrated in the drawing competition “The World of Professions through the Eyes of Children.”

All events held in health camps in the Minsk region were reflected in the media, the telegram channel “Education of the Minsk Region. The main thing”, websites of educational institutions of the Minsk region.