Accessible environment for people with disabilities in health resorts of the Brest region


In order to implement the activities of the subprogram "Accessible living environment for people with disabilities and physically weakened persons" of the State Program "Social Protection" for 2021-2025, approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus dated November 21, 2022 No. 76, health resorts in the Brest region are constantly working to ensure access to all infrastructure facilities and create comfortable conditions for the stay of physically weakened persons. The necessary accessible environment is created not only in residential and medical buildings, but also on the territory for their unhindered movement to all facilities in the sanatorium. For these purposes, the health resorts of the region spent 595 thousand rubles in 2024 (2023 - 1.4 million rubles, 2022 - 115.5 thousand rubles, 2021 - 71.5 thousand rubles, 2020 - 47.7 thousand rubles).

Thus, in 2020, the first inclusive beach in the Brest region was opened in the recreation area of the KUP "DROC "Svitanak" on the Pogost reservoir, which allowed people with disabilities to organize a comfortable rest by the water. About 50 thousand rubles were spent on the arrangement of the beach. Gazebos, changing rooms, benches, sun loungers, trash bins were installed, a descent into the water and paths with small-piece tiles were provided. A special wheelchair was purchased, the unique design of which allows you to easily move a person with disabilities on the sand and roll him into the water without difficulty. A swimmer in the company of an accompanying person will always be on the surface of the water: special floats not only keep the structure on the water, but also prevent it from turning over.

In 2021, an electric vehicle for transporting people with disabilities was purchased at the Nadzeya sanatorium of the RUE Brestoblgaz.

In 2023-2024, major repairs and reconstruction were carried out at the State Institution "Republican Sanatorium "Belaya Vezha" for Veterans of War, Labor and the Disabled" and at the State Institution "Republican Sanatorium "Yaselda" for Veterans of War, Labor and the Disabled", as a result of which a fully accessible environment was created at these bases not only for wheelchair users, but also for the visually and hearing impaired.


Currently, the total number of rooms in the health resorts of the region for the above category is 64 rooms with 128 beds, which is 3% of the total number of rooms. It should be noted that in 2024, one room was equipped for wheelchair users in OAO SKO Brestagrozdravnitsa, 30 thousand rubles were spent, and in the branch of the Tourist Base Lesnoye Ozero of the tourist and excursion subsidiary unitary enterprise Gorizont-Tour, 2.6 thousand rubles were spent.

The work of health resorts to create an accessible environment for people with disabilities will continue