Аб рабоце санаторна-курортных арганізацый Гродзенскай вобласці у 2019 годзе

In 2019, 66068 people, including 23094 foreign citizens, were treated in sanatorium and resort organizations of the Grodno region. The average occupancy rate of sanatoriums was 84.9%.
19499 permits were sold to the republican center for rehabilitation and sanatorium-resort treatment of the population by health resorts of the region. The revenue from the sale of services amounted to 68,963.7 thousand rubles in total.
With the expansion of the visa-free regime, sanatoriums located throughout the territory of the Grodno region became available to foreign citizens. In 2019, using the opportunity of a visa-free stay, 2518 foreign citizens visited health resorts.
The excellent medical base of the sanatoriums allows you to complete a full course of rehabilitation, rehabilitation procedures and relax. Health resorts are constantly introducing new types of procedures, strengthening and developing their material and technical base.