The results of children's recovery in Mogilev region, summer of 2022


According to preliminary data, in the summer of 2022, 790 health camps operated in the Mogilev region, including 597 day camps and 193 round-the-clock camps.

A total of 45,062 people were rehabilitated with the use of public funds.

27,127 schoolchildren were rehabilitated in day camps (60.2 percent of the total number of those rehabilitated) and 17,935 in camps with round-the-clock stay (39.8, respectively).

There were 15 stationary camps in which 10552 schoolchildren had a rest. In addition, at rented bases, including sanatorium organizations (sanatoriums Sosny, OAO Mogilevkhimvolokno, Dubrovenka, RUE Mogilev Branch of the Belarusian Railway, DUP Children's Sanatorium Svisloch) - 2272 people. On the basis of educational institutions, additional education and other institutions, 87 specialized camps were organized (for a period of at least 9 days) for 2691 people, of which 9 were defense-sports camps for 213 children.

506 day camps on the basis of educational institutions also worked, in which 20405 people rested, of which 130 labor and recreation camps and 1886 people, respectively.

During the summer period, 167 sports and health camps operated in the region, including 76 with round-the-clock stay and 91 with daytime stay. 9142 pupils of various sports institutions of the region combined rest and training process, including 6722 in day camps and 2420 in round-the-clock camps, with a stay of 9 and 18 days.

In order to increase the number of health-improving children in the region this year, the work of the health camps "Rodnik" of the state institution of additional education "Regional Center for Creativity", "Dream" of the Education Department of the Bobruisk City Executive Committee, "Schatkovo" branch of the Bobruisk Electric Networks, was organized in five shifts, instead of the traditional four. This made it possible to further improve the health of 588 children.

On special control was the improvement of orphans and children with disabilities. In the camps with round-the-clock stay "Cosmos", "Bobrenok-2010", "Dream", "Ptich" the pupils of boarding schools with special needs of psychophysical development, orphans left without parental care, improved their health.

In total, 2017 orphans and 510 disabled children with varying degrees of health loss underwent rehabilitation in the summer period without being accompanied by legal representatives, including 160 in round-the-clock camps and 350 in day camps.

In the current health campaign, for the first time, a shift was held in a camp with a round-the-clock stay for disabled children on the basis of the Osipovichi special boarding school for children with impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system. 20 children were able not only to have an interesting and informative time, but also to receive a set of medical procedures available at the boarding school. An interesting program was offered for them, filled with excursions, competitions, educational and recreational activities.

One of the areas of work for such children is the organization of inclusive camps. So, in the health camp with a round-the-clock stay "Ptich" in the Glussky district, 2 shifts were held, the pupils of which included children with hearing and vision impairments, students of auxiliary boarding schools. The events were organized in such a way that the children could take part in them on an equal basis with their peers.

On the basis of the stationary health camp "Cosmos" of the Shklov Department of Education, during 2 inclusive shifts, 38 children with special needs of psycho-physical development of the State Educational Institution "Belynichi Auxiliary Boarding School" improved their health. This communication of children with disabilities with their peers helps them to integrate into the usual environment.

For the winners of the republican and regional subject Olympiads, highly motivated students, the regional profile round-the-clock camp "Olympian" (94 people) was organized. In all regions of the region, on the basis of institutions of general secondary and additional education, work was organized in this direction. There were specialized camps and detachments "Intellect", "Erudite", "Summer Academy", "Intellectual", etc., where the guys, winners and participants in subject Olympiads, as well as having good results in their studies, could relax and improve their knowledge and skills.

There were 101 military-patriotic camps in the region, in which 2758 children were employed. The program of activities of such camps involves the use of a wide range of forms and methods of work on patriotic and military-patriotic education, physical education and sports. The work plans include: meetings with representatives of the District Department of Internal Affairs, ROChS, demonstration performances of cynologists with dogs, exhibitions of special equipment, pre-conscription and medical training, the study of military heraldic symbols of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, paramilitary relay races, work with cynologists, etc.; physical training, championships in various sports, competitions on military-applied sports, sports holidays and competitions.

In July this year, the work of three health camps "Kursant", "Young Warrior" and "Patriot" of the defense and sports profile was organized with round-the-clock stay of children on the basis of military units 6713 and 72471 with a total coverage of 50 students.

In 140 labor and recreation camps, 2,122 schoolchildren aged 14-17 were able not only to earn their first money, but also to have an interesting time. There were 130 day labor and recreation camps, 10 with round-the-clock, of which 1 worked for 18 days.

The guys worked on the sowing fields of the farm, picking berries, forestry nurseries, repairing school furniture, landscaping and cleaning the territory, sewing bed linen, combining work with outdoor activities, intellectual games, and entertainment.

Priority right in the employment of minors was granted to adolescents who are on various types of records.

The loading of stationary health camps for the summer period amounted to 98.0 percent of the available capacities.

Organized camps in the summer of 2022 made it possible to satisfy all applications wishing to undergo rehabilitation in camps of various types in full.