As part of the Single Information Day, the Director of the Republican Center for Health Improvement and Sanatorium-Resort Treatment of the Population visited the Shumilinsky District of the Vitebsk Region


On February 27 of this year, as part of the Single Day of Informing the Population on the topic "Results of the Ending Five-Year Plan as the Basis for the Strategy for the Successful Development of Our Country," Henadzi Balbatouski, Director of the Republican Center for Health Improvement and Sanatorium-Resort Treatment f the Population, held a working meeting with the staff of the Shumilino Central District Hospital, Vitebsk Region.

The working meeting was also attended by the Head of the Representative Office of the Vitebsk Regional Office of the Republican Center for Health Improvement and Sanatorium-Resort Treatment of the Population Sniazhana Tsitova, Chairman of the Shumilino District Executive Committee Sergei Galynchik, Chairman of the Shumilino District Council of Deputies Nikolai Budnevich.

During the information day, Henadzi Balbatouski acquainted those gathered with the main trends in the development of the Republic of Belarus over the past five years:

- promoting effective employment, sustainable income growth, improving the quality of life of the population;

- strengthening the demographic potential and health of the population;

- improving the quality of education;

- revealing cultural potential;

- strengthening the economic potential in the industrial complex, agriculture, transport complex, tourism industry;

- proactive foreign economic policy.

Then Henadzi Balbatouski got acquainted with the work of the Shumilino Central District Hospital, visiting its structural divisions.

It should be noted that good conditions have been created for residents of Shumilino region in the field of healthcare.

The next object for visiting and getting to know was the stably and effectively functioning enterprise OOO «Alyansplastresurs», which is engaged in the production of polymer containers for packaging food products and provides jobs for 50 residents of the Shumilino region.