Health improvement of children of the Gomel region during the spring holidays of the 2024-2025 academic year


In order to improve children's health, develop healthy lifestyle skills and ensure maximum employment of children during the spring holidays of the 2024-2025 academic year, 393 educational and health and sports and health camps with day stays are planned to operate in the Gomel region on the basis of educational institutions, additional education for children and youth, specialized educational and sports institutions, in which it is planned to provide health improvement to 8650 children.

For this purpose, 218.00 thousand rubles have been allocated from the republican budget for the health improvement of children in the Gomel region. According to the order of the Republican Center for Health Improvement and Sanatorium-Resort Treatment of the Population, the amount of funds from the republican budget to reduce the cost of a voucher to a day camp lasting 5 days is 25.00 rubles.

The provision of day camp services to a child is carried out on the basis of a voucher to the camp and upon payment of a parental fee in the amount of at least 5 percent of its full cost. The parental fee for a camp trip, the cost of which is reduced by funds from the republican budget, according to the agreement concluded between the parent (person replacing him) and the camp organizer, is paid into the cash desk or credited to the current (settlement, special) account of the camp or its organizer, indicating the type of payment.

The average cost of a trip to educational and health camps with day stay, depending on the age of the child, is planned to be: for children 6-10 years old - 32.11 rubles, 11-13 years old - 35.17 rubles, 14-17 years old - 38.58 rubles.

The average cost of a trip to sports and health camps with day stay, depending on the age of the child, is planned to be: for children 6-7 years old - 27.85 rubles, 8-10 years old - 38.88 rubles, 11-13 years old - 37.78 rubles.

In accordance with the Regulation on the organization of children's health improvement in educational and health, sports and health camps, the right to receive a voucher, the cost of which is reduced at the expense of the republican budget, is granted to children who are mastering the content of one of the educational programs of general secondary education or educational programs of special education at the level of general secondary education and who do not have medical contraindications to health improvement.

When forming camps, the social status of children is taken into account: preference is given to minors from large, low-income and single-parent families who are in a socially dangerous situation and are on various types of records, under in-school control, students from large and low-income families, children from foster and guardian families.

Meals in the camps are planned to be organized on the basis of in-kind and monetary standards for food expenses established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Health camps are organized in compliance with sanitary, fire safety and other requirements imposed when organizing children's health improvement. The organizers of health camps develop special health and educational programs, including physical education and health, sports and cultural events.

In day camps, the work of the organizers is aimed at creating optimal conditions for children's health, their active recreation, providing each child with the opportunity, based on their needs and capabilities, to realize themselves and show their individuality and creativity.

In the educational and health camps of the Rogachev district, it is planned to organize entertainment and educational events: quizzes - "My Belarusian land, land", "I love you Belarus!", "Law and I", an open microphone "Where does the Motherland begin?" sports events - "Play and Win" "Sportlandia is Calling Us", intellectual games "The Amazing World of Animals", "I Want to Know Everything, or One Hundred and One Books about Belarus", "My Own Game", "We Are on First-Name Terms with the Internet", drawing competitions "Spring Landscapes of My Native Village", "Who I Want to Become", "Health is Our Wealth", excursions to the "Soldat's Forest" museum, the "Children Victims of War" memorial complex in Krasny Bereg, interest groups: "Aquamarine", "City of Masters", "Young Linguist", "World of Fairy Tales", "Funny Notes", "Magic Ball", "Needlewoman" clubs, etc.

It is planned to hold events as part of the Year of Improvement.

On the opening day of the camps, safety talks will be held. Particular attention is paid to educational work.

In this regard, exhibitions on the prevention of bad habits, talks and lectures with the invitation of responsible employees are organized.

On the last day of the camp, the most active participants in the events will receive certificates of honor, sweet prizes, souvenirs.

In general, the organization of educational and health (based on educational institutions) and sports and health (based on specialized educational and sports institutions) camps with day stay ensures meaningful leisure for children and rational use of vacation time.