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Have a useful holiday!
20-Mar-2025The spring holidays of students of the Grodno region will be fun and interesting in educational and health, sports and health camps.
During the upcoming holidays, more than 9,000 children will take part in interesting and educational events, meetings, game programs, excursions throughout the week, which will allow them to gain strength before the last quarter.
Children's health improvement will be organized on the basis of educational institutions, centers for correctional and developmental education, children's and youth sports schools. 250 camps are ready to work during the holidays. 225 thousand rubles have been allocated from the republican budget to reduce the cost of vouchers. The average cost of a voucher is 50 rubles, parental fee from 12 to 25 rubles.
In order to create favorable conditions for the manifestation of creative abilities, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the creation of situations of success for self-expression of pupils in educational and health institutions of education, it is planned to hold sports and mass, cultural and entertainment events.
For example, in the Lida district, a theatrical game program "Spring Journey of Space Tourists" will be organized. It is held with the aim of developing children's creative abilities, forming communication and interaction skills in a team, as well as increasing interest in theatrical art.
The district stage of the regional festival "Saraki" is held with the aim of forming a sense of responsibility for the preservation of the nature of the native land. Within the framework of the festival, attention is paid to the feathered inhabitants of the Republic of Belarus and the problems of their protection. The festival helps to transform theoretical knowledge about the importance of biodiversity into practical actions, uniting children and adults in an effort to preserve the unique nature of Belarus.
In the Shchuchin district, a district festival of law enforcement squads and anti-drug squads will be held, as part of the implementation of the "Mission to Live" campaign. Also, during the spring break, there will be a district season of spring KVN games. The game is held with the aim of developing intellectual creativity.
In the Grodno district, there will be: the quest game "If you eat healthy, you will know your health", the challenge "Belarus is WE!", with the involvement of children, youth, and parents in issues of patriotic education, the creative workshop "My Belarus".
In the Mostovsky district, it is planned to hold a sightseeing tour for students "History of an out-of-school educational institution". The tour is held with the aim of introducing students to the history of the pioneer movement in Mostovskoye. There will also be a quest game "Safe Holidays", which is held with the aim of forming in students a conscious attitude to issues of personal and public safety, practical skills and behavior in extreme situations.
In the Oktyabrsky district of Grodno, students will visit the memorial complex "Stalag-324", the Museum of Military Glory named after O. I. Solomova, an excursion to the memorial museum named after D. M. Karbyshev will be organized, as well as an excursion to the National Historical Archives of Belarus. These events are dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus.